The Importance of the Walk

Not getting your dog outside for a walk while you’re away can contribute to various unwanted behaviors such as barking, chewing, and house soiling. Dogs benefit greatly from this bit of exercise, partly because it allows them to release pent-up energy.

Walking your dog is even more important, however, for her mental well being. While we experience the world primarily through our eyes, dogs experience the world primarily through their nose. They need the scents of the outdoors to experience the world. The mental stimulation provided by a walk outside of your own backyard helps your dog to learn and satisfies her innate sense of curiosity.

Customized, One-On-One Dog Walking

LollyDog Trek & Train customizes your dog's walk, catering to her exercise needs. We specialize in one-on-one dog walking, which means we don't walk your dog in a pack. This way, we can give your dog the individualized attention that she needs, whether it be a lengthy game of fetch, a brisk walk in your neighborhood, or a leisurely sniff-discovery tour of a new neighborhood. If you have two or more dogs in your household, we can of course walk them together.

Should you have a reactive dog, you're in good hands. As a professional dog trainer, Dana knows how to handle reactive dogs (lunging, barking) while on walks, keeping them within their comfort level throughout their walk.

Our Dog Walk service is available to those located in Northwest district, Pearl district, Downtown, Goose Hollow, Hillside, and Southwest Hills (Zip codes 97210, 97209, 97201, 97204, and 97205). Our Training Walk service is available to those located throughout the Portland metro area.

Dog Walking Rates

A mini report on your dog's walk is provided via text or email at the end of every walk and you'll return to a happy, clean-pawed pooch. The Dog Walk initial consultation (meet-and-greet with you and your dog) is free of charge.

$20 for a 30 minute walk.
$26 for a 45 minute walk.
$30 for a 60 minute walk.

The Training Walk

For those dogs who need to practice their skills in "the real world" and in the face of distraction (people approaching, dogs walking by, falling leaves, etc.), the Training Walk combines the exercise of a dog walk or fetch session with short interludes of training throughout the walk. The walk, or fetch session, is peppered with several short training sessions focusing on whichever skills your dog is currently working to improve. Leave It, Drop It, Name Recognition (response upon first request), Sit, Down, Stay, and Walking Politely on Leash are just some of the skills that can be worked on during the Training Walk. The return to the walk (or the game of fetch) is used as a reward for each of the mini training sessions. Having more of your dog's attention while on a walk is one of the nice side benefits of the Training Walk.

Our Training Walk service is available to those located throughout the Portland metro area.

Training Walk Rates

An update of your dog's training progress is provided via text or email at the end of every walk. You'll return to a happy, clean-pawed pooch who is both physically and mentally tired (which is a good thing!)

$30 for a 30 minute training walk.
$40 for a 45 minute training walk.
$50 for a 60 minute training walk.