Reward-Based, Force-Free Methods

LollyDog Trek & Train uses the latest techniques in reward-based training and draws on science-based animal learning theory. We use only positive reinforcement methods -- no leash jerks ("popping" the leash), prong collars, choke chains, physical "corrections," suspending the dog by the leash, alpha rolls, intimidating the dog, or any of the other punitive methods of dog training used 20 years ago. The old-school punishment approach is not only no fun for the dog as well as no fun for you; it is actually less effective than reward-based training.

You won't have to rely on cookies and treats every time you want your dog to respond to your request. Food rewards are used early on in the training process to help your dog understand the behavior you do want versus the behavior you don't want. Once your dog learns the concept, verbal praise or affection is sufficient to maintain the behavior, with the occasional treat thrown in to keep things interesting for your dog. A favorite toy or activity can be used in lieu of treats for those dogs who enjoy toys more than food.

LollyDog's trainer, Dana Gray, practices what’s known in the clicker training world as “clean training.” This involves close attention to handler mechanics during the training process. What this means for you is that you won’t be left with a dog who “only does it when I have food in my hand."

We provide training in pet manners (skills such as Sit, Down, Stand, Stay, Leave It, Drop It, Coming When Called, Go Settle (Relax on a mat), Walking Politely on Leash, Attention/Focus, etc.) as well as dog sport foundation skills. We proof the skills against distraction, distance, and duration as well, which means you'll end up with a more reliable response to your cues. We can also help you with issues such as barking, chewing, house-soiling, jumping up, and over-eager greeters.

Day Training

With day training, your dog is trained while you're away at work; we'll text you an update detailing which skills your pooch worked on that day. After several sessions, you are shown how to maintain the new behaviors your dog has learned. This is a great option for people who don't have much time to practice skill-learning with their dog.

A five session package is available, which includes 4 dog training sessions + 1 "transfer" session. For every 4 sessions the trainer has worked with the dog, a "transfer" session is included to show the owner how to maintain their dog's new skills.

Private Sessions

For owners who'd prefer to learn the training at the same pace as their dog every step of the way, we offer private sessions. You receive private coaching and instruction in how to train your dog… It's like having a dog training class come to you, and on your schedule!

Dog Training Rates

Day Training sessions and Private Sessions are $75 per hour. We offer a $25 discount when ordering either service as a 5 session package.

The Training Walk

For those dogs who need to practice their skills in "the real world" and in the face of distraction (people approaching, dogs walking by, falling leaves, etc.), the Training Walk combines the exercise of a dog walk or fetch session with short interludes of training throughout the walk. The walk, or fetch session, is peppered with several short training sessions focusing on whichever skills your dog is currently working to improve. Leave It, Drop It, Name Recognition (response upon first request), Sit, Down, Stay, and Walking Politely on Leash are just some of the skills that can be worked on during the Training Walk. The return to the walk (or the game of fetch) is used as a reward for each of the mini training sessions. Having more of your dog's attention while on a walk is one of the nice side benefits of the Training Walk.

Training Walk Rates

An update of your dog's training progress is provided via text at the end of every walk. You'll return to a happy, clean-pawed pooch who is both physically and mentally tired (which is a good thing!)

$30 for a 30 minute training walk.
$40 for a 45 minute training walk.
$50 for a 60 minute training walk.

New Puppy Consultations

Start off right when bringing home your new puppy by having a New Puppy consultation right in your home. We'll teach you about puppy proofing your house and will educate you in positive reinforcement techniques for crate training, potty training, chewing, nipping, mouthing, jumping up, and other puppy behaviors. We can of course continue with your puppy's training from there, should you choose, including teaching your puppy to have a gentle mouth, name recognition, attention/focus, impulse control, separation confidence, and pet manners skills.

Puppy Consultation sessions are $110 and last 1.5 hours.