LollyDog Trek & Train was founded in Portland, Oregon to provide customized, private session services to Portland dog owners needing dog training, dog walking, or training walk services. Whether it's walking or training that your dog needs, LollyDog comes to you and tailors its service to meet your needs.

We draw on science-based animal learning theory and use positive reinforcement methods only -- no leash jerks, prong collars, intimidating the dog, physical "corrections," or any of the other punitive methods of dog training that trainers used 20 years ago. LollyDog's trainer, Dana Gray, practices what’s known in the marker-reward training world as “clean training.” This involves close attention to handler mechanics during the training process. What this means for you is that you won’t be left with a dog who “only does it when I have food in my hand."

We provide day training and private session services. With day training, your dog is trained while you're away at work; after several sessions, you are shown how to maintain the new behaviors your dog has learned. This is a great option for people who don't have much time to practice skill-learning with their dog. With private session services, you receive private coaching and instruction in how to train your dog… It's like having a dog training class come to you, and on your schedule!

We also provide dog walking and training walk services. We customize your dog's walk, catering to his or her exercise needs, devoting our attention solely to your dog, which means we don't walk your dog in a pack. We can walk all your dogs together, however, if you have more than one dog in your household. The Training Walk combines exercise with short interludes of training throughout the walk.

You can always teach an old dog new tricks…

As a dog sports enthusiast, Dana practices Musical Freestyle, Rally-Free, and Agility. These sports are not only great fun for both dog and handler; they also lead to your having greater off-leash control of your dog in daily life as a nice side benefit. Practicing dog sports, or even just the introductory foundation skills for them, increases your dog's focus (attention on you), increases her ability to perform skills with more precision, improves her impulse control, and enriches her mentally while tiring her out. If you would like your pup to learn some foundation skills that are applicable to just about any dog sport, let us know and we'll get you started!